Look Out for These Unethical Divorce Practices

 Posted on March 05, 2025 in Divorce

St. Charles, IL divorce lawyerTo put it mildly, many divorces end on unhappy terms. In a number of cases, the relationship may have been toxic from the beginning. Rather than a clean, civil split, some spouses may attempt to drag out the proceedings or hurt their partners during a divorce. If you suspect that your divorce is going to be difficult, an Illinois family law attorney can help protect your rights.

At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we have experience handling complex, arduous divorces. When you work with our firm, we will take steps to protect your best interests in issues like child custody, property division, and more.

Hiding Assets

If you and your spouse accumulated a good deal of wealth over your marriage, you should take care to account for all of your assets. You could end up falling victim to dissipation, an illegal practice where one spouse hides, wastes, or steals marital assets. For instance, if your spouse spends marital funds on an expensive vacation with a new partner while your divorce is still pending, you may have grounds for a dissipation claim.

At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we can uncover evidence of wasted assets such as receipts or statements. You could be compensated for dissipation through a greater share of property or financial restitution.

Sabotaging Mediation

Mediation is a cost-effective way to settle your divorce outside of court. Unfortunately, some spouses take issue with the collaborative process. Your spouse may take an adversarial position in mediation or refuse to attend.

While sabotaging mediation may not be illegal, it is certainly a hostile act. At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we are prepared to take an aggressive stance in court if needed, and we can also pursue other methods of resolution like arbitration.

Parental Alienation

In divorces with children, your spouse might not be interested in fostering a healthy family relationship. The intentional act of turning a child against the other parent is referred to as parental alienation, and it is highly unethical. Parental alienation can take different forms, such as denying parenting time, telling the child damaging lies about the other parent, or making other serious efforts to damage the child’s bond with the other parent.

At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we can help you compile evidence of parental alienation to present to a court of family law, such as odd, inappropriate, or otherwise coached statements a child has made. If the courts agree that your relationship with your child was unfairly damaged, you may be given extra parenting time as a remedy, or a possible modification of custody if it would be in the child’s best interests.

Meet With a St. Charles, IL Divorce Lawyer Today

Divorces can be hard to get through even in the best of times. If you fear that your ex is working against you, our Kane County, IL family law attorneys can stand up for you. Our attorneys have decades of experience, and we can give you sound legal advice from the beginning of your case to the end.

We provide creative solutions to help clients through every case. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C. at 630-584-5550 today to schedule a free consultation.

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