Keeping The Peace With Mediation

 Posted on March 17, 2025 in Mediation

Kane County, IL divorce lawyerTV and social media tend to perpetuate the idea that divorce is always an explosive, dramatic affair. In reality, most divorces are much less bombastic. Sometimes, two people live with each other for a few years, and due to internal or external circumstances, they fall out of love. In these well-meaning divorces, nobody truly wants to go to war with their partner.

A mediator can help facilitate a low-conflict divorce between you and your spouse, even if there are things you disagree about. When you work with Shaw Sanders, P.C., you can reap the benefits of working with a mediator and an attorney, providing you with sound legal advice.

Preserving Relationships

Some couples going through a divorce have a good reason not to burn bridges. You and your spouse might genuinely work better as friends without the stress of balancing a relationship or living together. In other cases, you might have a shared social circle that you might not want to disrupt. Similarly, if you get on well with your in-laws, the last thing you want is a messy divorce to drive a wedge between you.

By agreeing to settle things peacefully in mediation, you and your spouse can preserve important friendships in your lives. In the long run, you may appreciate not having to deal with the awkward air around a messy divorce.

Settling Child Custody

Child custody may be one of, if not the most important issue in a divorce. Even if your relationship has deteriorated with your spouse, you may have to remain on cordial or at least respectful terms so that you can both be co-parents. 

Though it is sometimes necessary, intense, litigated divorce with repeated courtroom visits can be scarring to a child. By choosing mediation, you and your spouse can draft a mutually agreeable parenting plan for your child’s sake. At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we can help you and your spouse come up with a future method of dispute resolution for any future childcare concerns.

Calm Dispute Resolution

Divorces are often full of uncertainty. Combine that with the highly emotional nature of divorce, and you may be facing a very anxious chapter of your life. While mediation does not eliminate the stresses inherent to divorce, it can make things much easier for both you and your spouse.

In courtroom divorces, things can reach a tense standstill if you and your spouse do not agree on any one particular issue. Instead of trying to find common ground with each other, you might both be trying to convince a judge to side with you. In mediation, you can reach an amicable settlement without the court’s involvement. At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we can facilitate win-win solutions in mediation with a focus on healthy communication and compromise.

Contact a St. Charles, IL Family Law Attorney

If you are considering divorce but do not know where to begin, mediation can lay the framework for a peaceful long-term solution. At Shaw Sanders, P.C., our Kane County, IL divorce lawyers are here to help you negotiate in good faith. Call us at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation.

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