Bouncing Back from Divorce

 Posted on March 31, 2017 in Divorce

Illinois divorce lawyer, Illinois family attorneyFor many, recovering from the emotional onslaught of divorce is a long, uphill battle, full of turbulent disagreement and ever-mounting tension. Others feel the same emotional weight in terms of loss, but experience a much smoother transition when it comes to the technicalities behind the divorce. When couples are able to work together and remain civil, keeping one another’s best interests at heart, they tend to bounce back with more ease than couples who exchange a lot of animosity and spite, and their overall ability to move on and let go is greatly improved.

Removing Obstacles

Whatever your personal circumstances are as you wade through the separation process, chances are you will, like most people, experience some bumps as you enter post-divorce life. Learning how to be single again and all the lifestyle changes that come with the transition can make the adjustment period difficult even for those parting on the most mutual of terms.

If you are about to embark on the post-divorce journey or are currently struggling with it, there are certain steps you can take to ensure you are on the right path to healing. Remove potential obstacles that can slow down the healing process by practicing the following:

1. Do what you love - Studies show that those who lose or have trouble regaining interest in the activities or hobbies they loved before the divorce tend to get stuck in the grieving process. While you cannot rush healing, it is important to stay involved with the things you love and to nurture your existing routines. It also helps to try new things and challenge yourself; you may discover a new interest along the way, which can help you as you work to re-discover who you are without your spouse.

2. Seek out your support system - Another effort that can help you avoid hindering the healing process is to seek out - not pull away from - your support system. It is very common for individuals who are grieving to shut down and create distance from those they usually confide in. Become acquainted with the signs of withdrawal, such as lack of interest in friends or social activities, or lapses in communication with friends. Drawing on and maintaining a network of support is critical for anyone experiencing grief, as it can be a huge motivator to try new things and keep up with important, existing daily routines.

3. Give yourself a boost - When going through a divorce, it is very easy for people to lose sight of who they are and their sense of value. Many individuals fall into the pattern of beating themselves up for the split - regardless of who initiated the divorce - and in turn experience a negative impact on their view of their self-image. To avoid this kind of set-back, make a habit of writing down one thing you love about yourself each day. Make a list of your best qualities and what you have to offer the world. Over time, this exercise can help re-shape the way you think about yourself and eliminate those negative self-image beliefs that have developed since the split.

Sometimes, a personal network of support, comprised of close, trusted family and friends works best when paired alongside a professional network of support. Therapy and counseling can go a long way in the healing process, and the right legal representation can bring you the peace of mind you need to feel confident in protecting your rights in a court of law. As you attempt to navigate the divorce process, speak with a Kane County divorce lawyer and gather the resources you need to move forward. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C., P.C today at 630-584-5550 for a special consultation.




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