The Best Time to Divorce: Three Factors that May Influence Your Divorce Timeline

 Posted on April 28, 2017 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_divorce-filing.jpgMany couples must ponder the idea of whether or not there is truly a “right” time to divorce when faced with the decision to call it quits. Is there really such thing as a good time to break the sad news to friends and family? No one is ever truly prepared for the emotional toll that divorce entails, so it is completely understandable when a couple chooses to delay the decision. Some couples hold off with hopes for possible reconciliation, while others feel it may be best to stay together for the children.

Identifying Priorities

Whatever the personal circumstances surrounding your imminent separation, weighing various factors that may ultimately shape your divorce experience for better or worse before officially ending the marriage can be beneficial. Evaluating these factors can help you identify your priorities in the divorce process, which can help you decide the best time to make the jump.

Explore some of these key areas when looking at the timeline of your divorce:

1. Financial Standing

Finances are often one of the biggest factors couples take into account when ending a marriage. Not everyone has the luxury of preparing for the financial impact of separation. Despite even the best planning, adjusting to the significant financial pitfalls that sometimes result from divorce be difficult, especially for those who lack the resources they need to feel safe and secure on their own. Consider your personal financial snapshot: Have you established credit in your own name? Do you have any money in savings to pay for the costs of a divorce? Have you opened a bank account in your own name? Do you have a reliable income or are you currently unemployed? Even if you feel severely underprepared, there are ways to adapt, create new opportunities, new routines, build a support network, and draw on resources available to you. The key is often to find balance between needs, wants, and reality. Do not let worry over tight funds keep you in a toxic, unhappy marriage, that negatively impacts your mental and physical health. Remember that you may be eligible for maintenance (alimony) and other legal protections that provide you with the resources you need to take care of yourself following the divorce.

2. Closure

Speaking of emotional health in divorce, the need or desire for closure is another factor to take into consideration when deciding whether or not it is the right time for you to take the plunge. If you feel you have done all you can on your own to repair the marriage, you may reach a point where you feel you may do better to resolve the impending divorce sooner, rather than later. Dragging out the inevitable can lead to more emotional stress for the whole family. Consider your priorities in terms of gaining closure in the relationship; if you feel you have already done enough to bring you peace, you may be ready to move forward with the process. Emotional closure needs are different, and look different, for everyone. Maybe the more practical factors, such as financial security and living arrangements are all you feel you need to address before pulling the plug.

3. The Time of Year

Many couples do not want to let friends and family down during the holidays or in the midst of summer vacation, which can lead them to delay the divorce. It is not uncommon for couples with children, in particular, to wait until the holiday season or big family gathering has passed before filing. You may also consider the best time for your divorce based on the tax implications that come with separating. Some couples choose to wrap up their previous year’s taxes before tackling the financial changes that come with divorce. Depending on your circumstances, waiting until January for a fresh start at the beginning of the new year may be beneficial both financially and emotionally for both parties.

Only you and your spouse can decide on the best timeline to carry out your separation. Divorce is a diverse and complicated issue on many levels, but thankfully the legal process can be streamlined and simplified when you work alongside a skilled Kane County divorce lawyer. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C., P.C today at 630-584-5550 for a personal consultation that can equip you with the knowledge you need to move forward.



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