Reasons Why Couples Divorce

 Posted on April 21, 2017 in Divorce

Illinois divorce attorney, Illinois family law attorneyThe American Psychological Association (APA) tells us that in the United States alone, more than 90 percent of people marry by the age of 50, but that 40 to 50 percent of couples end up divorcing. When it comes to subsequent marriages, the APA says the divorce rates are even higher, which tells us that although people continue to get married, certain troubles still tend to strain relationships and in many cases, inevitably cause marital demise.

Factors that Lead to Separation

While the causes for divorce are vast and diverse, there are certain trends in relationships that often result in separation, and ultimately, divorce. These trends all share common themes: Each one involves the breakdown of communication, intimacy, and trust. When combined, these factors turn into core conflicts and often result in the disintegration of a marriage. Among the many reasons for divorce, here are four of the most common:

1.Money management - Whether you have money troubles or not, the difference in how you and your spouse handle money can play a big role in your marital satisfaction. Many marriages end due to financial problems, and those problems do not necessarily always involve debt. For example, if you save a large portion of your income while your partner overspends, of if there is a significant difference in salaries, rifts can emerge that stem from tension and resentment.

2. Lack of contact - Physical intimacy, affection, and mere communication through texts and phone calls are all vital components to a successful, satisfying marriage. When there is a lack of intimacy, a decrease in basic expressions of affection, or no effort being made to reach out to one another, this lack of contact can erode the quality of the marriage over time. In some cases, it can cause the relationship to unravel quickly, depending on the other circumstances surrounding the problem.

3. Monotony - Studies show that couples who report boredom by the seventh year of their marriage end up being significantly less satisfied nine years down the road. A lack of common interests or priorities plays a role in this problem, as those who already have a disconnect in terms of what they consider fun quality time tend to struggle with trying new things together. Breaking up monotonous routines and keeping things fresh and interesting in the marriage are key to maintaining a healthy, satisfying relationship, but when couples are unable to achieve this, the problem can eventually lead to separation.

4. Absence of conflict resolution - Psychologists tell us that a surefire sign of marital trouble is when a couple experiences a recurring argument and they are unable to resolve the conflict. If you are having the same fight over and over and cannot seem to get anywhere, you may have a larger problem on your hands and would best benefit from seeking professional help. If the problem is left to linger, it can cause resentments to simmer, and may ultimately lead to separation.

Making a marriage work as life presents us with ongoing obstacles is no easy task, but the presence of conflict does not always mean the end of the road. If you have already made the efforts you felt were necessary to save your marriage and have since resigned to the decision to pursue divorce, it is important to speak with a qualified Kane County divorce lawyer right away. Proper legal representation is crucial when it comes to the protection of your rights in a court of law. Request a personal consultation today by calling Shaw Sanders, P.C., P.C at 630-584-5550.



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