Coping with the Stress of Divorce

 Posted on May 19, 2017 in Divorce

Illinois divorce attorney, Illinois family attorneyOf all the emotions that individuals face during divorce, stress is one of the most common. Some experience it from grief, others because of anger or resentment, and still some due to contentious situations. Regardless, all can manage their stress and improve their situation. Learn how with help from the following divorce coping strategies.

Accepting the Divorce

You do not have to like the divorce to accept it. In fact, few couples truly celebrate the process itself. After all, no one wants to hurt a person they once (or possibly still) love. Unfortunately, some relationships simply do not last. Begging, trying to get revenge, pleading, or bargaining is unlikely to change that. For some, not even therapy helps. So, if you and your spouse are on the path to divorce, the best thing you can do to start coping is to accept that change that is happening in your life.

Dealing with Your Feelings

During divorce, emotions can change and shift quickly, often from one extreme to another. You might be sad one moment, and then angry another. Understand that these highly charged emotions are normal, and they are a part of the grieving process. However, if you start to experience extreme depression, struggle to deal with daily activities (i.e. work, caring for children, etc.), you may want to consider seeking outside help from a therapist or support group.

Reframing the Divorce

While it can be difficult to do, many divorcees find that reframing the situation helps. Rather than focus solely on what you are losing, try considering what you are gaining. Have you always wanted to travel, but could never do so because your spouse struggled with money management? Or maybe you have always wanted to go back to school but never found the time between work, marriage, and raising children. Whatever your dreams and goals, now is the time to pursue them. In other words, try looking at this as a chance to rediscover (or possibly even reinvent) yourself.

Managing Communication with Your Spouse

High emotions can make for swift changes in the atmosphere of your divorce. Landmines, such as money issues and matters related to children, are often the trigger, but even something as simple as who gets the china set from your wedding can spark a heated debate. Minimize the risk by ensuring you reduce the amount of contact between you and your spouse. While some may be required, particularly for couples who have children, much can be handled by your attorneys.

Contact Our Kane County Divorce Lawyers

At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we recognize that every divorce and family is unique. It is why we offer personalized and comprehensive services that are designed to suit your needs. Whether pursuing a mediated or litigated divorce, we have the skills and experience you need. Learn more about how we can assist with your case by scheduling a free consultation with our experienced Kane County divorce attorneys. Call 630-584-5550 today.




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