Common Child Support Questions

 Posted on April 14,2016 in Child Support

Illinios child support lawyer, Illinois family law attorneyFiling for child support can feel like just another task to pile on top of the already overwhelming divorce process. As a newly single parent, you face the challenges of caring for your children in the midst of the separation, and understandably, you want to make sure they continue to be provided for despite the changing circumstances.

Here are some common questions you might have as you begin to file for child support in Illinois:

How Can I Locate the Non-Custodial Parent?

For some divorcing parents, circumstances might arise that prevent you from knowing the whereabouts of the other parent. This can mean a lot of unease when it comes to seeking child support, but thankfully, locating the non-custodial parent is one of the services the state can offer you. They can also help confirm paternity, as well.

What Is a Typical Hearing Like?

If you are required to attend a hearing, you will be asked various questions, depending on your individual circumstances. A judge may ask you about a myriad of topics, including financial and personal questions that will help the court determine who should get how much money, and how those arrangements should be carried out. Should there be an issue of questioning paternity, the judge might need you to elaborate on more personal matters, such as the time and circumstances surrounding the conception.

What If the Payments Are Past Due?

If you are concerned about receiving child support funds on time, you can rest assured knowing Illinois State has multiple methods for pursuing past-due funds. They can intercept the non-custodial parent’s tax refund, submit reports to various collection agencies, and revoke or suspend professional licenses. In some cases, they can even place liens on personal property. Initially, though, child support funds are typically arranged through income withholding. The state will help verify employment information and track the funds accordingly.

Where Do I Turn for Help?

Thankfully, filing for child support with the help of an experienced, knowledgeable Kane County family law attorney can greatly improve your peace of mind and give you the answers you need to ensure that the process unfolds seamlessly and efficiently. You do not have to pursue the financial assistance your family needs on your own. Get the guidance and information you need to approach the task with confidence. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C. today at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation.



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