Three Qualities That Define a Good Mediator

 Posted on May 19, 2016 in Mediation

Illinios family law attorney, Illinois divorce lawyerDivorcing couples often hear a number of things about mediation as they enter the divorce process. Success stories and horror stories abound. More often than not, though, the success stories far outweigh the disappointing accounts given by co-workers, families, and friends. This is ultimately due to the overwhelming resolution rates that we see among Illinois State divorce cases. The Department of Human Rights reports that their Mediation Unit’s resolution rates are 80 percent for all conferences held. That tells us mediation works, and it can for you, too.

What Makes a Good Mediator?

Resolution rates are not magic, however. They do not exist by chance or luck; they are a direct result of working with a professional, efficient, trained mediator who is well skilled and equipped to produce good results. Here are three qualities that define a good mediator:

Effective Communication

All mediators are required to be excellent communicators. After all, it is their duty to help facilitate a civil, safe meeting between two divorcing partners to discuss and negotiate the terms of their separation. Listening skills are crucial, but being able to effectively communicate the concerns and needs of each spouse to everyone present during the meeting is a must.

Well Versed in Family Law

All mediators are familiar with the law and are trained to provide a dependable role for their clients, but good divorce mediators are well versed in the area of family law, and moreover, work with a professional network of trusted contacts and colleagues who possess years of experience helping families come to the agreements they need to move on to the next phase of their lives.


Professionalism is paramount in the world of divorce mediation. The mediation process is deemed confidential, meaning all notes of your meeting conferences are safe in the hands of the mediator you are working with to resolve your case. Having an experienced Kane County family law attorney alongside you as you approach the mediation process is important to ensure the protection of your confidentiality is upheld, as well as the general protection of your best interests in the case. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C. at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation today.



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