How Much Child Support You Pay in Illinois

 Posted on April 04, 2023 in Child Support

st. charles divorce lawyer Child support is a key aspect of any Illinois divorce that involves children. It is designed to ensure the best interests of children, and that both parents contribute financially to the care and upbringing of their children.

If you are going through a divorce in Illinois, it is important to understand how child support is calculated and how much you or the other parent may be required to pay.

The Income Shares Model

Illinois child support payments are determined based on a calculation model known as the Income Shares Model. It takes into account key things like the income of both parents and the number of children involved.

The model or formula is based on the idea that each parent should contribute financially to the child's care in proportion to their income. Every case is different and your St. Charles divorce attorney can better guide you regarding the exact numbers of your case.

Basic Child Support Obligation

To calculate child support in Illinois, the court will first determine each parent's net income. This includes all sources of income, such as wages, investment income, bonuses, etc.

Once the net income of both parents is established, the court will use the Income Shares Model to determine the basic child support obligation of each parent. This is a monthly payment that each parent must provide for their children.

On average, Illinois courts set a single child’s basic child support obligation at around $1,200 per month.

Additional Expenses

Apart from basic child support obligations, the court may also consider other factors that could impact the child's financial needs, such as healthcare costs, educational expenses, daycare expenses, etc.

It can also include things like transport costs, such as car payments, gas fees, or bus fares. These additional expenses may be allocated between the parents based on their income and the amount of time they spend with the children.

A Kane County family law attorney can better guide you regarding the additional expenses of your child support in Illinois.


It is important to note that child support payments in Illinois are not set in stone, even after a court order. Modifications to child support can be requested by either parent if there is a significant change in circumstances.

Things like a loss of job, change in income, or a change in the needs of the child are considered significant enough by the court, to allow either parent to request for modification of the child support order.

Contact a Kane County Family Law Attorney Today

We hope this article helps you understand how much child support you pay in Illinois. While it may seem tricky, there are several online calculators that can help you calculate your child support payments.

Consult a Kane County family law attorney at Shaw Sanders, P.C. for help. We can guide you on child support matters and protect your rights. Call 630-584-5550 for a confidential consultation.


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