Can I Adopt a Child Related to Me in Illinois?

 Posted on March 21, 2024 in Family Law

St. Charles, IL adoption lawyerAdoption can be a lengthy process, even in the case of something more straightforward, like a related child adoption. If you have a loving relationship with the child you wish to adopt, you may be eligible to file a Petition for Adoption and legally add him or her to your family. An experienced Illinois adoption lawyer can help you further navigate and complete this process.

Who Is Eligible to Adopt a Related Child in Illinois?

Under the Illinois Adoption Act, a related child is a child that is related to either, or both, potential adoptive parents through a relationship such as blood, marriage, civil union, or adoption. Individuals who may be eligible to adopt a related child include the following:

  • A parent or step-parent

  • Step-brother or step-sister

  • Grandparents, great-grandparents, or step-grandparents

  • Brother or sister

  • Uncle or aunt, or great-uncle or great-aunt

  • First or second cousin

Related child adoptions in Illinois are handled by a family law attorney, and they do not typically involve any kind of adoption agency or child welfare agency.

How Do I Pursue an Illinois Related Child Adoption?

If you wish to adopt a child that is related to you, you will need to petition to adopt him or her in an Illinois court. Your initial petition should include essential identifying information such as your name, your address, and your relationship to the child. You will also need to include the child’s name in addition to their place of birth and birthday.

Unlike other forms of adoption, a related child adoption does not require a home investigation, but you may need to obtain consent from certain individuals depending on the adoption circumstances. In some cases, this may include gathering consent from the child’s birth parent(s) or legal guardian, or the child if she or he is fourteen years old or older.

If you are having trouble gaining consent from a birth parent during this process, you may need to also petition for a termination of parental rights before you can legally adopt the child. This includes proving in court that one or both biological parents are unfit.

Contact a St. Charles, IL Adoption Lawyer

Working to adopt a child related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption can be an overwhelming process, and a compassionate Kane County, IL adoption lawyer is vital to helping you navigate Illinois related child adoption laws. At Shaw Sanders, P.C., we are skilled in all kinds of adoptions, and we put our knowledge to work for you and advocate for you and your family. Call 630-584-5550 for a free consultation.

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